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Connecting with Associations as We Build Our Fiber Network

Cooperation is the key to any successful endeavor, and it is particularly important where the construction of the Trailblazer Fiber Network is concerned.  Before running fiber to a neighborhood, one of the first steps is to work with the area Homeowners and Condo Associations, property managers, and business complex owners to communicate the construction plans and ensure that appropriate permissions are obtained.

“Because we are part of the Town infrastructure and this is our community, we want to get things right from the start,” says Kim Smith, Trailblazer’s Customer Experience Manager.

Most of Trailblazer’s fiber runs are contained within existing utility easements; however, in running new lines through a neighborhood, there are often additional considerations for roads, driveways, sidewalks, and landscaping.

“It’s important to have strong communication as we move forward to ensure that we coordinate with associations in the area.  Whatever the situation, it is always our goal to run fiber with minimal disruption to the surroundings and to the residents and businesses in the area,” Kim adds.

The Trailblazer team begins to contact HOAs and COAs in upcoming construction areas as quickly as possible to avoid delays in providing service to residents and businesses.   If your area is receiving service in the next few months, Trailblazer would be happy to give a brief presentation at your next association meeting to prepare for the construction process. HOA board members are encouraged to contact the Trailblazer Customer Support Team at 970-577-3770 for more information.

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