Trailblazer Broadband Fun Fact
Answer: Glen Haven
Glen Haven is the next stop for Trailblazer Broadband fiber construction. Now that most of the fiber internet construction is complete within the Town limits of Estes Park, the fiber team is heading off the beaten path to run fiber to some of the outlying communities served by Estes Park Power & Communications, starting with Glen Haven in early 2023.
Did you also know that in the early 1890s, the Knapp family from Illinois built a sawmill near Harding Heights, then moved it first to Miller Fork and then to the point now known as Glen Haven in 1897? The Boulder Presbytery, with assistance from the Knapp family, formed an association in 1903 and sold lots for a summer resort called Glen Haven. The association built the Glen Haven General Store in 1921. Under the direction of Ira Knapp, a lodge-style hotel was built called The Homestead, and opened in 1938. The Homestead became known as the Inn at Glen Haven and was mentioned in a Los Angeles Times travel article in 1986. The Trail’s End camps of Cheley Colorado Camps are also located near Glen Haven.

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