Construction schedule
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Service Available

Phases 1 – Complete

Phase 2 – Complete

Phase 3 – Complete

Phase 4 TBA – Check Back for Updates
Approximate Time Frames for Construction:
*Schedule Subject to Change
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Project Updates
The project has reached a pivotal milestone by completing the majority of the main construction in our designated service areas. These areas include most parts within the Estes Park Town limits, extending north to Glen Haven and progressing along Highway 7 towards Allenspark. While this is the backbone of the fiber network, we still have a long way to go to bring service to everyone, particularly those in more remote locations. The desire for service has been overwhelmingly positive. Our installation calendar is currently booked through 2024, with openings in early 2025.
Meanwhile, we are restrategizing our fiber construction to the more rural, remote areas of our community. With the shift to internal staff completing all new construction and installations, reaching the outlying communities takes additional time and careful consideration. These areas are challenging because of their distance, lack of density, and, in most cases, difficult terrain and accessibility. As you might expect, these challenges also make this final portion of the buildout more expensive.
Inflation has exponentially increased the cost of doing business for Trailblazer, as it has for most other companies and families in recent years. As a result, Trailblazer is actively seeking broadband funding for the remaining portion of the buildout through the BEAD grant to assist with rising material and construction costs in rural buildout areas. Although we have previously received a small amount of grant funding that has been fully utilized, 2023 funding efforts were not successful due to intense competition for too few dollars. The good news is that the BEAD grant is robust and targets challenging, high cost, and rural locations for funding assistance to help bridge the digital divide in these locations. As you may know, grant processes are time-intensive and progress slowly. If successful, the BEAD grant will allow construction to resume in mid-2025.
Waiting for a good thing is never easy – whether it is grant money or better internet service – and we appreciate the patience of our rural community members. While there is no timeline at present, Trailblazer is working diligently to deliver this vital service as quickly as possible.
Location Updates
We know the wait is tough, but Trailblazer remains committed to completing the fiber buildout when additional funding can be procured to resume Phase 4 construction.
Glen Haven
The majority of Glen Haven has service available.
- A section east of Old Bridge Rd. remains unavailable until fiber construction is completed. The remaining location will be considered for fiber buildout and scheduled when additional funding for this high-cost section is secured.
- Downtown Allenspark will be the first of 5 sections that comprise the rural Allenspark area to open as it has the most commercial and infrastructure locations and the highest density. Testing in this area has been completed. This location is expected to open in the late Spring of 2025.
- To support emergency communications during the winter, Trailblazer will be connecting the Allenspark Volunteer Fire Station to provide a reliable connection.
- The remaining locations which comprise the Allenspark service corridor begins at Taharaa Mountain Lodge heading South to Taylor Rd and encompassing locations in both Larimer and Boulder counties. The remaining locations are part of the Phase 4 construction to be completed when further funding is available.
Highway 34 Corridor
In addition to fiber construction, the Highway 34 corridor east of Mall Rd will require the replacement of the entire existing overhead conduit infrastructure installed as part of the post-flood restoration due to extensive wildlife damage.
- This location requires significant additional cost and planning in coordination with CDOT for traffic control, which can only be done in shoulder seasons, further complicating scheduling work in this area.
North of County Rd. 43 at Chasm Dr
- A mile-long section of County Rd 43 between MacGregor Ranch east past McCreery Ln needs mainline fiber to connect this location north of County Rd 43.
- Larimer County requires permitting and special conditions which drive the delayed, high-cost buildout in this area. Until further funding has been located to comply with the county regulations, construction to complete the necessary connections in this area to the network is on hold.
Other Remaining Areas
- If you live in an area other than these listed and are an Estes Park Power & Communications customer, your area will be included in the final phase of construction planning when additional funding has been procured.
- Unbuilt locations with existing options available for internet service that meet or exceed the minimum requirements of service speeds according to the FCC reporting are unfortunately not eligible for grant funding. Trailblazer will need to rely on further funding beyond grant monies, likely in the form of built revenue to connect these locations.
- The Town of Estes Park remains committed to completing the infrastructure buildout to all EPP&C customers as quickly as possible.
- In the meantime, you are encouraged to register your interest with us so that we can keep you updated on our plans to complete construction in your area.

We know that many of you have been anxiously awaiting faster, more reliable Trailblazer Broadband service for some time now. As we plan for the final phase of our fiber construction project, the Trailblazer team wants to assure you that we are bringing service to you as quickly as we can.
We are confident that our superior service, local support, and greater reliability will be worth the wait!
Installation Process:
Click here to watch an informative video that explains the entire installation process of bringing fiber to your home.
Contractors & Construction:
Go to our Main Construction page for more information on:
- Contractor Support: New Construction and Remodeling
- Installation
- Our Team
- Estes Park Power & Communications Construction Projects
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