Spanish Translation – Registration

Stay Informed

Enter your email below to receive broadband updates based on your address.  By registering, you will be one of the first to receive the link to sign up for service when it is available in your neighborhood.


By providing your email address, you consent to being contacted periodically by email with broadband service updates.  Your information will not bw shared with third parties for any other purpose.


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Stay Informed About Service Updates

Please provide your information below to receive broadband updates baed on your address.  By registering, you will aloso be one of the first to receive a sign up notification when service is available in your neighborhodd.

Your Information

Email address:  _____________________

First Name

Last Name

Phone Number

Service Address

Street Address


  • Larimer County
  • Boulder County

Service Type

  • Residential Broadband Service
  • Commercial Broadband Service

Structure Type

  • Free-standing building/Single-family home
  • Multi-unit Complex (condo, apt, townhome, etc.)
  • Duplex
  • Other (Please specify)


Property Ownership Status

  • I own my property
  • I own my structure, but not the land
  • I am a renter

How did you hear about Trailblazer Broadband?

  • Door sticker
  • Email
  • Friend or neighbor
  • Neighborhood signs
  • Newspaper ad
  • Postcard
  • Social Media
  • Other (Please specify)