Trailblazer Broadband is the first internet service provider in Estes Park to build a redundant 100 gigabit per second uplink to Denver. Since late September, Trailblazer Broadband customers may have noticed their internet connection has been enhanced as a result of this improved routing.

Not all broadband connections are created equal. Trailblazer Broadband is building the only true 1 GIG broadband service in Estes Park which provides high speed, reliable internet service over fiber optic lines. Delivering state-of-the-art broadband also requires a great connection to the rest of the world. For Estes Park internet users, the best route to the internet is through Denver, which is a key carrier hub for almost all major broadband providers.

Internet routing can be compared to taking a road trip in a car. Some highways have faster speed limits than others and some routes require fewer miles to reach your destination. When data is sent and received on the internet, the route can make a huge difference in the response times and download speeds that users experience when connecting to the variety of websites and services on the internet.

Sending Trailblazer’s internet traffic through Denver opens up the most optimal routing paths to almost any destination on the internet. For even greater reliability, Trailblazer Broadband currently utilizes multiple diverse fiber paths out of Estes Park. If one fiber path is compromised, another one is instantly and automatically used to reroute internet traffic.

Creating the 100 Gbps broadband link to Denver was a collaborative effort that involved help from the neighboring communities of Loveland and Fort Collins. Over the last several years Estes Park, Loveland, & Fort Collins worked together to form an Inter-Governmental Agreement, or IGA, that enabled all three communities to create a redundant fiber ring in northern Colorado. Because of this collaboration, Fort Collins was able to execute a long term lease of CDOT dark fiber between Fort Collins and Denver and utilize the fiber to establish a 100 Gbps circuit to Estes Park. The circuit capacity can be increased as necessary to keep up with demand.

Trailblazer Broadband is municipally owned and is Estes Park’s only locally supported high-speed broadband service provided over fiber optic lines. For more information, contact Trailblazer Customer Experience Manager Kim Smith at or (970)577-3770. More Trailblazer news is available at and

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