Is Your WiFi Wonky or Wonderful?

Is Your WiFi Wonky or Wonderful?

Is your Wifi wonky or wonderful?  On the wonderful side, Wifi is the internet untethered, allowing you to move freely and use your devices anywhere in your home, outside, and throughout the world where there is a Wifi connection. The invisible connection flies through...
Be Prepared for A Power Outage – FEMA Guidelines

Be Prepared for A Power Outage – FEMA Guidelines

This post is excerpted from, an official website of the United States Government. Launched in February 2003, Ready is a National public service campaign designed to educate and empower the American people to prepare for, respond to...
All Fiber Internet Is Not Created Equal

All Fiber Internet Is Not Created Equal

Not all fiber internet is the same, not even close. A 100% Fiber-to-the-Home (FTTH) internet connection and a hybrid fiber-coaxial cable (HFC) connection differ primarily in the technology used to deliver internet service to homes or businesses. A 100% FTTH employs...
Trailblazer Toolbox:  Survive Winter Temps the “Smart” Way

Trailblazer Toolbox: Survive Winter Temps the “Smart” Way

Even if this reaches you on a 60-degree day, we all know Winter is upon us for a little while longer—and with it are cold temperatures, heavy snowfalls and ice, and dry, chafing air. While parts of the country are lovely in winter, there’s no escaping the fact...
Trailblazer Toolbox: Easy Streaming in 2024 with MyBundle

Trailblazer Toolbox: Easy Streaming in 2024 with MyBundle

If you’ve ever signed up for an Internet/TV “bundle” from an internet or cable company, you know that you have to decide which TV package is right for you. While Trailblazer Broadband doesn’t offer an Internet/TV bundle, we have partnered with an independent company...